Realize why we’ve every reason in University world examination view your leaders as unreliable about us, and every reason in University world for us exam be justified in being unwilling examination trust them in line with their activities and history and claims vs our firsthand expertise and event about our own selves. Maybe even believe that nothing about quizzes bible made even those men who write in it exempt from logical fallacies, and prejudices and biases or selling University best guesses as if doctrine when it was really philosophy. If anything University LDS should be more able examination observe that nothing about it being old and written by any person dead in quizzes book implies that it has exam be University absolute unquestionable truth. Until University church is more truthfully ready, maybe actually have faith that your god has quizzes plan for us even outside University church until your leaders are ready for us and can stop destructive us and our families and more. Use your faith for not exam try examination have dark ideals about others, or exam try examination justify treating us as exam be feared or lesser, or not even deserving examination exist as ourselves after this life. Ive seen beautiful things from faith for your church, but that is not one of them.