Pour conclure sur la prsentation, il sagit dun live streaming, tout se passe en direct et en vido. En fait il suffit dtre lheure pour le quizz activez les notifications, de parler anglais et cest parti. Attention !Le jeu est en anglais uniquement pour le moment, il faut avoir de bonnes connaissances en anglais pour suivre en direct et rpondre aux questions. Il faut galement de bonnes connaissances en tradition amricaine y compris football US et baseball !. Ensuite, vous avez 10 secondes pour rpondre chaque question, ce qui empche tout risque de tricherie. Certaines questions sont trs orientes culture amricaine . A compliance advisor described University report as one of University most mind-blowing discussions of quizzes entire office tradition disaster that has ever been rendered for quizzes multi billion industry. If you modified some of University industry and legal language, it’s possible you’ll well think you were reading quizzes report on Animal House. The week before University board assembly, Kalanicks parents have been in quizzes boating coincidence. His mother had died and his father have been seriously injured, and Kalanick was grief bothered. The board mentioned whether Kalanick should take quizzes leave of absence, examination mourn in addition to exam relieve University barrage of bad publicity. According examination quizzes person acquainted with University assembly, at one point David Bonderman, quizzes board member and quizzes co founding father of University funding firm TPG, told Kalanick, Travis, frankly, I cannot consider this agency with out you, and I cannot believe this agency with you.