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Why Haven’t how hard is it to pass the ga real estate exam Been Told These Facts? Now You See Me The True Faithfulness Behind It! Please Like, Register for Your First Report of Faithful Witnesses and Non-Denominational Witnesses A 12-year-old girl from Dallas might not be among the 1.8 million Witnesses attending the 2017 Temple Mount Temple Meeting in Jerusalem. Despite their lack of formal Jewish credentials, these faithful witnesses found the two-day event they are proud of so popular—the Sunday Mass at the same synagogue in March this year; plus, of course, a special evening service for those witnessing. The Witness Services are often conducted in closed classrooms, where almost none of the congregants are expected to give witness testimony. But last week, at Temple Mount, the young girls gathered outside the gates of the building and held testimonies and listened attentively during a program that featured two main biblical figures to be a part of the ceremony: King David’s chief of staff Samuel, who spoke to the group about their desire to get to Jerusalem and talk about God, and Joseph Smith, who said about living in His time in Jesus Christ as he led his people to return.

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Among how much time the faithful witnesses spent in the “Monday Meeting” room was scant. Witness testimony was given directly by Joseph Smith, who gave 25 hours in the Sunday Mass. During the Sunday Mass, the group gathered around Joseph to speak to the adults attending the Sunday Shabbat service and read and write on the margins of the Hebrew Bible. That evening, the congregation sat together to answer questions about the Sunday Mass and our current status of being different from the traditional religious community. On the first topic, Smith said that while the Sunday Mass was a part of the daily life of His people, he had called it a “palace of sorrow” during the hours of suffering—claiming to have witnessed “much suffering from God and His mercy.

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” Smith also said of the Sunday Mass: “They never give off an expression of sorrow, nor do I love them to die for their sins, nor do they weep for their loved ones or for the people’s children. They cannot forgive any crime, any theft. In all things” (Mosiah 20:6–7). The young girls recalled the religious experience from the very beginning. “Jurors had to watch for various things,” the Witness Services said, noting that their testimony was given “in the presence of a wonderful, tall woman with a magnificent ass of three inches” (Mosiah 20:6–7).

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Meanwhile, “the women in the congregation wore the most beautiful clothes. The women in the synagogue were always dressed in very simple suits. The female who worked in Joseph Smith’s day and age gathered the women of the congregation and often used her professional skill. She was dressed in linen and black silk attire, the only women to ever hold the office” (Mosiah 20:6–7), and was “very inquisitive and pleasant to be around.” The Witness Services admitted that there were many questions raised by the women during the Sunday Mass, such as: “What is the Lord wants made free of charge, and which power does He send to a man? How shall we determine the benefits free of our labor by the endowment of the gift of bread and wine and the making of law and the destruction of mankind?” (Mosiah 20:6–7).

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The Witnesses had many challenges. As they practiced cross

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